What is hot and recommended?

Google – I thought the idea of Google+ circles was to allow uses of Google+ to allow users to control the individuals with whom they would interact. The inclusion of “What is hot and recommended” posts contradicts what I thought was the original philosophy and often seems to focus on political posts that are inflammatory and the comments on these posts which are worse. By reversing the original plan, you have encouraged this type of unpleasantness. I appreciate productive controversy, but this is not what you have created and I would prefer to use a service that allows me to debate with those I know will not resort to name calling and profanity.

You can change the default that displays these posts. Select the “explore” heading. You should then find a page with the label “Explore Google” and within this box a “What’s hot” link. The what’s hot link will reveal another box with the label “Whats hot”. The header for this box should include a gear icon. Selecting the gear icon should reveal a check box for “show posts in home stream”. Uncheck. Wasn’t that easy (he said sarcastically)?

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