
I have always been interested in photography. At some point, I made the switch to digital photography and storing my images online. At first, I used an online account to keep my best images and to share these images with others. I would load every picture I took to a computer, cull out the really poor images, and then upload a few quality images for sharing. Eventually, this approach began to slip and I just stored everything in the cloud assuming I would eventually go back to cull, organize, and share. I am guessing many individuals have taken a similar path. We now all have accumulated thousands of photos most of which have little meaning to ourselves or others.

Maybe it is time to go old school or at least start with a little more thought regarding why we take the photos in the first place. I stopped sharing photos. I stopped printing and mounting photos before that. I have decided to start again.

Bill Atkinson got me thinking about this topic. The Apple legend has really been about technology and imagery his whole life. What he has created is an app, PhotoCard, for sending photo postcards – high quality printed images that are lamented. He describes this as photos you send someone and hope the photos show up on their refrigerator. This is for the best of the best of your images – images that are especially beautiful or especially meaningful. I also like the postcard idea. It is fun to get this kind of mail and a different experience than a photo received as an email attachment.

Atkinson did a special tutorial with Leo Laporte  explaining photocard and it is worth the time to see the product and hear what he has to say about photography.

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