Tea Infuser

This is a bit off-topic for me, but when I really like something I take the time to offer a recommendation.

This is a tea infuser from Global Market. I spend large blocks of time staring at a computer monitor and drinking coffee. Tea was typically some herbal drink for later in the evening when I had to cut off the caffeine. I just could not get into drinking tea on a regular basis. I have large quantities of tea some of which I purchased in China years ago and most of this stuff should probably be thrown out. Now, I can talk about drinking the tea I brought back from China. Since I don’t really know how tea is supposed to taste, this stuff is as good as Lipton.

The gadget is self-explanatory. Put loose tea in the compartment. Close the compartment. Stick in a cup of very hot water. Allow to steep. Push button when removing from cup. Open infuser and dump in garbage.

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