Remaining Vital? Try to Keep Up!

Writers at the StarTribune (also carried in the Grand Forks Herald) offer a Sunday collection called “Staying Vital”. I guess it is directed at folks like me – the old guy at the office who does things that make him or her seem dated.

All stereotypes are true of some folks some of the time. It is true my “taste” runs to the clothes and tunes from the ’60s. I have a turtle neck somewhere and might wear it if my wife does not catch me first. I prefer “cool” over stylish. If that dates me, I apologize but you should try listening to some decent music for a change. My last 215,000 or so listens can be viewed at lastfm. I am aware of Kid Rock and enjoy a little Marshall Mathers (I suppose you would recognize Eminem) from time to time. Of course, I listen to pop music, but that comes and goes (I guess this is why it is called pop). I prefer Miles Davis, Dylan and Bob Marley for staying power.

Then, there was the advice on the use of technology. Potentially, the thing about being mature and avoiding technology is also a stereotype. While it is true that my wife is reluctant to purchase new frames and lenses so she can use her Google Glass more frequently, that would be more a financial matter rather than a preference. She is still trying to decide. The thing about being older is that you hopefully have the time and resources to explore new things if the new things interest you. This is one of the other realities of being older. We happen to be interested in things that are also of interest to many in their 20s. Not everyone is, but that hardly means they are not “vital”.

We older individuals feel it is too bad that younger folks have seen so little of the world and have explored so few good books. Going to Florida for spring break hardly counts. Perhaps you do not understand the value of international travel or investing time in developing your breadth of knowledge. It is important to have a broad context to interpret daily experiences. Without this breadth, you may conclude that your every experience is unique and new.

Try to keep up.

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