Trying to be profound can confuse people

The Google founders messed up too. Google isn’t real, it should have been googol (a 1 followed by 100 zeros).

Cindy seems to be having trouble defining herself in retirement. When we had to offer the information for FETC registration you are required to include a company affiliation. I still list mine as UND. Cindy decided to use our book web site – The lady heard and put that as an affiliation on our name tags.

fetcbadgeThe idea behind learningaloud is that learning results from generative activities. Hence, I blog to share what I know, but I also blog because it helps me learn. Learning aloud is a way to say I am learning out loud. Try explaining that to someone in a few seconds. I understand that some would interpret that as learning allowed which was ok and I have always enjoyed the play on words. I thought I was being clever, but perhaps I was being confusing.

I guess it worked for Googol.

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