Donald (not the duck)

Given the significance of politicians in shaping our society, one would think those of us selecting our representatives would take the selection process seriously. I am a fan of logic and my assumptions about the selection process seem logical to me. Obviously, my perspective is flawed in some way I cannot figure out.

The present interest in Donald Trump has me stumped. Someone whose only qualifications seem to be having a lot of money and hosting a strange television program in which he gets to ridicule those paid to be on the show and send them packing in disgrace. Even if business and wealth creation are to be admired, the strategies that apply in this domain are not necessarily what we need in our leaders. Just for the record, playing the “bankruptcy card” is not a move a President should use as a governing strategy.

I wonder if some folks just suggest they would vote for a given candidate because it will get others upset. I am a Democrat (surprise!). For the record, I would be willing to enter Donald’s name on the ballot right not. What do you say?

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