Emergency – we are out of data

We have a 30 gigabyte phone data plan. There is also a roll over feature raising the total we had available until the 17th to 43 gigs. Our normal monthly utilization is about 10 gigs, but we purchase the larger plan because a couple times a year (like now) we travel and need more capacity.

I looked last night and we had used 26 gigs which should have allowed 17 gigs to get us to the 17th. Somehow after going to sleep last night we used everything we had left. Exactly how this happened is unclear. Possibly, we were watching our sling box before going to bed (a device that streams our television from our Minnesota residence) and turning off the television did not stop the feed. First world problem.

Cindy is on her phone and she seems to have plan B in place. We keep running into the situation in which a newer plan is available at a lower price and no one tells us. I may have to go to McDonalds to continue posting. McDonalds does have decent coffee and now offers egg McMuffins all day long. Could be worse.

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