Gifting success

I am horrible at findings gifts for Cindy. We are at the point in our lives that we pretty much buy what we want online when an idea strikes us making finding something useful and surprising beyond my creative talents. I also start far too late – often December 24. This means I must go to a store and we spend our holiday season up north limiting my options.

This year was different and I am declaring my choice a great success. I purchased a lefse griddle. This may sound strange, but Cindy and daughters were planning to make lefse and for success you need a griddle that heats to a higher temp than your standard kitchen appliances. The ideal temp is 500.

I had the insight that led to my success on the morning of the 24th. There is a kitchen goods store in Siren, WI, and I was nearly there when I realized that it was a Sunday morning and most stores are not open. But, it was and they had had a lefse griddle. What are the odds this all worked out.

There is now the very real possibility that I have set a standard never to be achieved again. This is very likely, but for the time being I will enjoy my success and worry about next year on the 24th of next December.

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