Now eligible

I turned 62 yesterday. This age contributes to my true status as a curmudgeon. My wife reminded me that I was now eligible for social security, but you don’t get much if you start early so I better keep working. Good advice.
I learned some things about Facebook. I don’t pay much attention to Facebook, but the links from my blog posts do appear there. Evidently, when you sign up, Facebook asks for your birthdate. I must have joined some time ago before all the identity and security stuff became important. I entered the date as requested. Some folks must sign up for a special “birthday” service because they knew and wrote on my wall. Everytime someone writes on my wall I get an email. Yesterday I had many well wishers. Not much in the way of original prose, but I appreciated every “happy birthday” on the wall and the other messages.
P.S. (My birthday is actually Nov. 27 – I had to move all posts from this blog from a previous blog so the dates are no longer accurate).
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