Just cuz it’s the big city

Just cuz it’s the big city you should not assume these fellows are more sophisticated and make smart decisions.



It is garbage day and this is the view down my street. What I want you to notice is the different colors of the garbage containers. Each color represents a different company. The trucks begin their runs at 7. There is a truck for garbage. There is a truck for recyclables and a truck for yard waste. So, multiply the number of trucks by the number of companies and consider how the simple matter of waste collection has been made far too complex.

Despite the damage to the streets, the noise and the danger (trucks sometimes move very quickly because the next container for them may be a block or so away), the city cannot seem to escape from this situation. The companies claim the right to compete for business. Different residents have allegiances to a different company. Greed and stubbornness make a bad combination.

Some local politician needs to be brave. Perhaps it could be someone who has already decided not to run in the next election. Divide the city into districts if there is a concern that all companies have a chance. Ask the companies to lower their rates because of the greater efficiency the city ca offer. Use the lower cost to explain to citizens why they must now have a blue garbage container instead of a green container. The higher quality of the road surface could be a bonus. There must be an opportunity for reasoning and logic in a situation such as this.

This never would have happened in North Dakota.

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