Another one bites the dust

p>TechCrunch today broke the story that IAC had made the decision to shut Bloglines down. Early on, this was my RSS reader of choice and then I gradually moved on. I have a vague recollection that Blogline was in serious trouble before and that must have been when the service was purchased (a post from 2008).

This quote from the article is nearly a perfect description of my experience:

the site has been in jeopardy ever since the launch of Google Reader long ago, compounded by the shift from RSS to realtime news streams. Over the past few years, the site hasn’t launched any new or innovative features to boost usage. While we’ve heard in the past that IAC was considering shutting down the site, the company held off on killing the site permanently and was looking for ways to refurbish Bloglines.

This may not be of interest to most who follow this blog, but this type of situation is why I think authors must have a way to continually upgrade the books they write. The Internet offers the outlet, but publishers must also understand that revision cannot happen every three years. Yes, Bloglines was the example of an RSS system we used in the last edition of our book.


Here is a more “business 0riented” analysis from paidContent.

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