Access and Equity – Is it, it must suck to be you?

This post from Slashdot indicated that government data on broadband access was available. You need to go to PC Mag to find the link to the map. I tend to think of the Digital Divide as determined by those with low incomes not being able to afford access.  even though I live in a state that does quite well financially on average but lacks access because of “rural issues”.

The point is – when you depend on “industry” to offer a service, you are going to have equity issues when all customers are expected to have the means to purchase the resource or when the cost to the industry makes it more expensive to provide the service to some.

So, like the attitude of some toward health care, is this simply a matter of “it sucks to be you” or do we step up as a nation and provide access because we care about equity?

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