
Here is another new service I guess I would throw in the general category of web research. I might describe Scrible as a combination of Diigo and Instapaper (or Evernote and Delicious). In other words, it offers a way to annotate, highlight, and tag content and also save content apart from the source (within Scrible) for later consideration.

Somewhere there is probably a table which identifies the features of all of these services but I don’t know where. My problem with this category of online tools is that I find something appealing in nearly all of these services and cannot seem to commit to any given one. Ever have that experience of knowing you found something useful and saved it somewhere, but you cannot remember where. Perhaps this is a boredom thing – I sometimes would rather play with cool tools than get work done. There is also the problem of investing time in creating a body of content in one service only to find that something I like better comes along. Is migration possible or do you just move on? Then there is the reality of good services never finding a way to pay the bills and closing up shop. So it goes online. The new ideas keep coming and this is a good thing.

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