Cross-posting from Google+

This is a test based on this post from Alex Ghosh. The test involves a method for cross-posting from Google+. For those of us with long-standing blogs, it is often frustrating to post to Google+. We may understand the opportunities available in Google+, but be frustrated by the “out of sight out of mind” reality of Google+ and the effort required to manually post to multiple locations. However, the procedure you can access via the link I provide above is relatively easy to implement.

I would suggest that the procedure as explained is a little misleading (I just inserted the script tag to indicate the use of javascript immediately above the href for the post) and does not appear to work until saved to the server. If you are willing to experiment and perhaps annoy your readers with a faulty example until you have had a chance to debug, future efforts will take very little time.

The following content is an example implemented with this procedure.

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