MobileMe (iCloud) back to 5 GB

You may have received a notice in the last couple of weeks that your MobileMe account was going to be downsized to 5 GB. Today is the day. I forget I have any Apple in the Cloud unless I think about it. I don’t really use the Apple mail system for much (the spam from politicians in thanks for the donations I have made come to this account). I really do not pay attention to my photostream and would rather store the photos I want elsewhere. I use Google Calendar. The one thing I find valuable is the opportunity to back up my iPads to the cloud instead of to a computer. I wish it was not such a struggle to prioritize this task.

I actually think iCloud is an improvement over MobileMe, but it seems too little to late. Free might have been a better approach. What reason would anyone have to move content from existing services to iCloud?

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