Data for political discussions

Politics is regarded as a touchy area for classroom discussions. As college profs, we were officially warned to be careful when we discussed issues and to be sensitive to taking sides. I must admit this “advice” was difficult to follow. When you are in the business of bringing data to bear in resolving issues, it is impossible to ignore positions that have political affiliations and the data may argue for a position some want to reject.

Anyway, my goal here is to recommend an examination of Google’s politics page. This Google+ page organizes posts and images related to political issues. Data visualizations are particularly impressive.

Returning to my initial personal comment concerning politics and education. Google states:

This page will focus on impartial data and digital trends surrounding the political process. We are non-partisan and don’t support or endorse any political candidates.

Like so many political positions, I suppose this claim is taken seriously only when the information provided fits your personal perspective.




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