iWork Online

I read that iWork Online is now out of beta and available to ALL at no cost. I admit I have not used the online version of iWork and seldom use the device based versions. I make the most use of Keynote, but use Google online tools for nearly all of my work.

Apple has done a great job with these tools and now offer anyone the opportunity to use them at no cost (www.icloud.com). As a heavy Apple user I almost feel bad and I have been trying to determine exactly why I have failed to use the services.

Here is my defense:

  1. Apple is late to the party, has a poor record with online services, and inertia probably plays a significant role in our technology use.
  2. Google offers more free storage (I do have to figure out how to get rid of the photos I have somehow accidentally stored in the iCloud. I have other places to store my photos and I could free up more space for other uses of the iCloud).

Why might someone with a different history use the Apple services and tools. I am stretching things a bit here, but I can imagine a situation in which an individual uses Apple tools in one setting, but does not have access to Apple hardware in a different setting. Perhaps a student would find herself in this situation. This might be a reason to use Apple tools and the iCloud.

Don’t get me wrong. I think the Apple tools are well done and for someone starting out with storage in the cloud, it would certainly be worth taking a look.

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