
The major value I find for Twitter is the surfacing of useful information I was not purposefully looking for. This is usually described as discovery to differentiate the process from search. The downside of Twitter discovery is that it depends on the group of individuals I follow and it is likely this group is biased by my personal biases.

It is possible to access topical feeds that are both more prolific and unbiased. My favorite tool for this purpose has been Zite. This aggregator offers content in many categories I want to follow. Unfortunately, Zite was just purchased by CNN and will shut down on Dec. 7. Zite users have been encouraged to transfer their content streams to Flipboard and have been provided a simple method for making this transition.

I recommend that you take a look at Zite (quickly). Here is my logic. I am a big fan of the information Zite surfaces. Even though the service is going away, a new user can tap into these information pools and transfer them to Flipboard.

Zite is available for iOS and android.


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