Climate change awareness

I admit I didn’t expect to see students carrying signs in Webster, WI, this morning and I was correct. I hope their teachers are discussing the serious matter of climate change with them as an alternative.

I promised yesterday to offer some resources others may find helpful as they struggle with the reality of climate change and the role we all play in contributing to this serious problem.

There is no lack of information and general awareness of this issue. I admit I am not certain what to do about this problem. My training as a scientist clearly biases my orientation to the findings of those who study climate issues. When I say biased, I mean I believe when the scientific community comes to a consensus and takes a position on an issue. I find it hard to understand how others can think differently, but there are many issues in this political climate that are beyond my understanding and acceptance. Maybe folks just can’t grasp the enormity of the problem and are denying what they don’t see impacting them today. This is the valuable insight into the students of the world taking this issue seriously. People of my age may feel we will not live to see consequences, but our kids know they won’t. This is more for the kids who must live with our inaction and contend with their futures.

MinnPost – this is a collection of climate change stories from Minnesota news sources. I live in Minnesota and Wisconsin and thought a local perspective might influence those in the midwest.

Scientific American – I regard Scientific American as an effort to bring science into general awareness. This link offers access to Scientific American articles on climate.

Center for Regional Climate Studies – I spent nearly all of my academic career as a faculty member at the University of North Dakota. I have to recognize the work of other scientists at this institution and their work on climate change and climate awareness.

Climate Reality Project – Within our time, Al Gore has been a politician making climate change his priority. Gore is sometimes attacked because of his wealth and because behaviors such as his air travel seem to some to contradict his message on the “inconvenient truth” of climate change. Whatever you think of the criticisms, his message has long been valid.

The Global Perspective – we won’t avoid climate catastrophe by building walls. In fact, other areas of our world will experience serious problems before we do and will be looking for places where they can survive.

How to act on climate change

Rochester, MN, sets all time precipitation record by September. Average for rest of year would add 11 more inches. Just heard this on the way to the coffee shop this morning and thought it was interesting. How many all time records have been set recently and what does this mean.

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