Google vs iCloud Photos

If you are a Google Photos user, Google probably recently contacted you to explain that the free, all-you-can store version of Google Photos is going away on June 1. Additions to Google Photos after that date in excess of 15 GB will count toward your cap of free storage for Gmail and Drive. Google wants users to purchase additional space through their storage account they call Google One. The storage package is not expensive, but if you have much in Google Drive and take many photos you will probably need to spend another dollar or two a month.

If your use of Google Photos was based on having the free account, you may wonder how Google compares to other options. I expect there will be plenty of analyses available on this topic and here is the first I found comparing Google and Apple storage. It appears the costs are nearly identical (both Google and Apple charge 2.99 a month for an extra 200 GB) so what you chose will depend on other factors. I found that I am paying something for each because I both need more storage beyond what is free for Drive and I also have a small amount of iCloud storage so I can share content among multiple devices. Such is life.

MacWorld compares iCloud and Google Photos and suggests Google Photos if superior if your goal is to share photos with others.

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