Doodlebuddy Avatar

I owe Craig Badura for this idea. He suggests that Doodle Buddy can be used to create avatars that resemble students, but still provide some identity protection.

Doodlebuddy is an app that allows the creation of simple drawings. I used the free (ad supported) version for this demonstration.

Here are the steps in creating a personalized avatar (without any artistic talent).

Ignore the photo for a moment. The icons at the bottom of the screen include background. One of the options for a background is to take a photo. So, this is a photo.

Use the paint tool to outline the photo and add whatever embellishments seem appropriate. Great skill only means the avatar will look more similar to your actual photo.

Now return to the background and change the background to white. Save. Reducing the size of the image with a “paint” program generates your avatar.

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