Discovery with the Amazon Show

We often end up giving ourselves technology Christmas presents. This year it was the 15 inch Amazon Show. At $250 or so, this is a very impressive device. The quality of images and video is great and of course, you can ask questions to search.

The Show runs the Amazon Silk browser. It is easy to enter text searches from the screen and use Silk on the Show pretty much like you would use Chrome on an iPad.

As an example, I thought I would examine some of the tutorials I had created on YouTube. I tried searching for Mark Grabe and found something I had never seen before. In 2014, I did an interview on a local television channel and searching my name brought up this video (for anyone interested in watching me talk about cyberbullying here you go). I had no idea this interview had been preserved.

For the classroom – this device would be an interesting addition to classrooms. It is large enough for a group of students to view and it is inexpensive.

BTW – I had forgotten about the app I described in the interview. Here is a link to StopIt.

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