Old Reader

Following my most recent post, I was doing a little reading about Google Reader. Among other things, I learned that supporters have attempted to launch a very similar product and called it Old Reader. I have been giving it a try and as advertised it offers a very similar and satisfactory experience. The one downside is that this service appears not to have a phone option so those who want to use their phone for going through the results of their RSS feed are presently out of luck.

The cost for Old Reader is free up to the point you want to follow more than 100 sites. This seems very generous. It is easy to use. You enter the address for a blog or site you want to follow and it will do the work of finding the feed for that site (see red box in upper left hand corner of image shown below). Like Reader, you simply scroll through your feed and unless you mark a hit as something you want to retain the information it is removed from what appears in your feed.

If you want to use RSS from a laptop or desktop machine, Old Reader seems a great way to go.

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