Changes, changes

I am making a change to the collection of resources I share with readers. Since I began operating a server, I have been collecting bookmarks for my own use and I have shared most of these resources in one way or another. Folks who read one of my blogs may have missed this effort as it appears on my general home page. The following shows the updated home page with the area containing the link to my new social bookmarking effort surrounded by the red box.

The old collection of bookmarks was huge and possibly still useful. It did contain many bookmarks to sites that were no longer active. I have decided to move on to a new service and identify newer material I have been reading.

The new system, called Memex, attempts to encourage sharing individual links or collections of links. The collections are labeled as spaces. Because Memex allows access to individual spaces, but not the entire collection, I have had to create a workaround. I have created a page with links to the different collections I am developing and this is the page I link from my home page.

Within a given collection, you will find links to articles and a way to access an AI generated summary of that article and my individual highlights/notes. The following image shows what you would see while exploring a given collection. Memex is not the only bookmarking system I use, but I will use it more consistently now that I am sharing these bookmarks.

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