Leaving the Job Market

The pseudo anchors at Fox “News” were speaking rapidly and waving their arms again. They are back on the topic of health insurance. I had hoped they would move on to something else, but there are evidently few conservative topics available. Evidently, there was a report that some folks are leaving the job market because they can receive health insurance. Every time they get riled up, I get agitated and have to raise the dose on my medication. The issue is certainly bad for my health.

Perhaps I can help by offering a personal story. I may be one of those persons leaving the job market. Yep, I am part of the problem, but I would like to explain my situation. The words we use to explain events are important. What the news guys (I guess there was one woman) describe as “leaving the job market”, I would describe as retirement. I hope to be able to retire.

I plan to retire if I can get health insurance (so far their description is accurate). Here is the deal. When I leave my job, I must go on the market and find insurance. I do not have one of those cushy jobs that comes with insurance in retirement. My wife has a pre-existing condition. Some years ago she was denied long term care insurance because of her pre-existing condition. I have already had negative experiences with the insurance industry.

So, before I sign the paper that moves me out the door (no turning back), I am going to find an insurance plan. I assume the Affordable Care Act will make this possible for both of us. I want to leave my job to someone else, but I am not foolish. If I have to continue working to maintain coverage for her, I will have to do that.

So, what do you think? Is the Affordable Care Act a detriment to employment? For whom?

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