Wish I understood this better

I have serious concerns for the present political climate in the U.S. and the damage being done by the politicians manipulating the public as they compete for votes. While there are clearly people hurting and frustrated in this country, the solutions offered to them focus on simple solutions and an “us versus them” mentality. Those most in need of help are likely not to have the background to think critically about what they are being told and too emotional to make the effort even if capable. It seems to me this situation is knowingly being manipulated by politicians.

I doubt if immigration or trade issues have simple solutions. I doubt a separatist position has made sense for several generations and the mechanics of effective trade lie outside the control of any country. I suppose I have bought into the flat world model of Tom Friedman.

The folks who feel unable to keep jobs in the auto, heavy machinery or electronics industries because of manufacturing advantages elsewhere are the same folks who swarm the big box stores to purchase cheap electronics and goods manufactured elsewhere. To raise labor costs here and to employ more US citizens to do things similar to what is already done elsewhere would raise the cost of these products in this country. There might be potential for redistributing the wealth of middle and low-income families, but redistribution means some will win at the expense of those who lose. In addition, exports in industries such as agriculture would suffer in reciprocity for imposing artificial costs on imports. Again, some citizens might benefit, but what would be the overall consequences for the economy.

If one judges by the success of the stock market since 2008, the economy seems to be perking along. This is a real number representing real money. The question is where this money goes. If one gets past assuming we can focus only on the economics of this country and ignore the rest of world with populations who must also deal with basic issues of survival, the first questions to ask should concern the distribution of the piece of the global pie that is clearly already ours to divide.

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