#POTUS on Twitter

I posted the tweet appearing above to Twitter kind of hoping I would get a response. Maybe someone would tell me to “cool off” or at least “respect the office even if you cannot respect the person”. No luck. All I can say is that ever since I have switched spending all of my time writing about technology and education and spending part of my time writing about politics, my number of friends and followers has grown substantially. I can see how this gets addictive.

I hoped someone would respond so I could thank them for asking me to tone it down a bit, but also wanting to ask if they were willing to make the same request of potus. I certainly do not have the same audience nor are my tweets and comments likely to be as influential. This is my concern witht he behavior of the president and his Twitter commentary.

Twitter allows blanket and sweeping statements without the requirement of explanation. This is also kind of the problem I have with those who share without comment things on Facebook. The value of critical interaction is in taking a standing and being willing to be precise regarding what you see as evidence for your position. It is far too easy to take a stand or be willing to offer a caustic observation without evidence.

The thing I find useful about following Trump tweets is that his words become my evidence. I can point to a tweet and say – this is offensive, this is a conflict of interest, this is racist, etc. So, I do recommend that Trump stop with tweets because such documentation is so easily turned to show his lack of leadership skills. However, since I find his positions unacceptable, I guess what he has to pronounce gives me plenty to write about and more data are always a good thing.

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