What’s eating America

As I understand the problem of identity politics, people are willing to ignore facts that contradict what they see as a party linked position because party affiliation is part of their personal identity. Like religious affiliation, gender identity, and perhaps even sports fandom, political identity is something that somehow trumps (no pun intended) challenging facts. We somehow ignore or reinterpret evidence that would perhaps persuade us if not challenging to core beliefs.

Presenting information in a less threatening way may be helpful. This is my interpretation of Andrew Zimmern’s “What’s eating America.” You may be familiar with Zimmern as a foodie who eats weird things. Like the late Anthony Bourdain, Zimmern has an interesting way of using food to examine other cultures perhaps in a way we all find interesting and he has a new series in which he explores political issues. The series is from MSNBC so you can anticipate that Zimmern is at heart a liberal.

There is a local connection for me in the example from this series I include here. Zimmern has a restaurant in Minneapolis. I am fairly certain I visited the Apple orchard depicted in the episode on climate change this Fall. If you would normally have access to MSNBC and identify your provider, you should be able to watch back episodes – https://www.msnbc.com/whatseatingamerica

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