Bird Buddy

If I have hobbies, they would be technology and photography. Some time ago, my wife invested in an Indigogo project that combines both. The Bird Buddy is a bird feeder that contains a camera triggered by nearby moving objects. Such objects are intended to be birds. Think of one of those video doorbells positioned inside a bird feeder.

The camera captures pictures of these birds and sends them to your phone allowing you to keep copies of the birds you photograph. The system makes use of artificial intelligence that attempts to identify the birds and provides some facts about range, habits, and diet. The identification works pretty well. You can set the system up to post the images to social media, but I would find regular posts of birds in my account annoying so I don’t.

The following images show the Bird Buddy and pictures of a male and young female Cardinal our Buddy captured. The images are high quality.

I think we have captured pretty much every species we see in the winter. Now, it is fun to see just what interesting poses you get. The Spring should bring some new visitors.

I call this one “chubs”.

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