Republicans are going after Fauci

The Democrats from the House during the Trump Presidency obviously conducted several investigations typically calling Republican witnesses to address inappropriate actions of the President and associates. I found the claims to be reasonable and the evidence credible. The evidence available from concrete sources (recorded calls, video evidence, and documents) were not faked and related to attempted extortion for political gain and attempts to pressure public officials to change votes as counted by public officials. While those asking the questions were Democrats, the witnesses and those who were under pressure were not affiliated with that party.

Now, the makeup of the House has changed and the Republicans are now investigating concerns of their own. The first target is Dr. Fauci who served during the Trump administration as the Director of the National Institute of Health. Fauci had an impressive resume both as a researcher and administrator, but somehow became a target perhaps for disagreeing with positions taken by the Trump administration in response to COVID.

As I understand the concerns the Republicans have advanced, they are proposing that COVID may have escaped from a Chinese research facility and may have been manipulated with the cooperation of researchers from the U.S. before this accident. The claim is that both the source and the collaboration of U.S. researchers have been purposefully covered up.

I must say this seems far fetched and I am perplexed as to what would motivate a particular party to cover this up. Why would the party not in power feel the need to do this? Why would the party not in power somehow have been in collaboration with an agency such as the NIH? The only thing that occurs to me is the general distrust of big government.

Dr. Fauci said he will be glad to testify. Aside from having the listen to the inane comments that typically are generated by antagonistic questioners before actually asking a question, I expect Fauci to offer a knowledgeable presentation of both the science and international collaboration that is involved in addressing serious diseases.

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