AI services are built from the content created by others

Apple, Amazon, and several other companies that make heavy use of tech have requested that their employees not use services such as ChatGPT and Bard. It is not that these companies are concerned about the use of AI in general, but that the content added in using AI may end up being shared with others.

As a fairly heavy user of these AI tools, I wonder how realistic it is that specific code or concepts are shared per se. OpenAI (ChatGPT) does not continually update its knowledge base and the present build of content ended in 2021. Bard works a little differently. However, there is an interesting issue here. These models are built by scraping web content and collecting ongoing material from users (to be incorporated later in some cases). All of this content is integrated. I do wonder whether there is an issue with material created by a specific user or company, but the general issue of scraping content is clear. Is this different from search engines, which advertise against search returns? Not exactly, the content in search is still sent from the original source to users and the creators can associate this content with ads. The collection of this same content that contributes to the development of an AI knowledge base does not offer any such benefit. What the big companies have noticed is very similar to what any content creator is experiencing.

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