Donald’s Live Tweets

I see that has made time to follow the testimony of the impeachment inquiry and to “live tweet” his commentary on the testimony. So many things he comes up with strike me as politically naive and/or self-focused. His take on Ambassador Yovanonovitch seems to be that she was a total failure when serving in multiple postings under several different Presidents. I am guessing he is completely unaware of how this type of public service works. Being placed in the dangerous trouble-spots of the world is an indication of the assessments leaders make of your skills and knowledge. These are not cushy posts politicians reward their cronies with for their support and contributions. These are not places you go for fine wine and food with folks already friendly to the United States. Ukraine was and continues to be a dangerous place under constant pressure from Putin’s Russia. It is a place with wealthy oligarch’s with self-serving motives. It is a place that could easily be leveraged because of their vulnerability to Russian aggression and need for our support to defend themselves. When it comes to what should be our role in the world, this should not be regarded as a business setting in which the powerful spot vulnerability and move to take advantage especially if the advantage is to a politician and not the wellbeing of our country.

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